Somehow, I am 39. I am 39, even though I still feel like I am maybe 17 and I still look around for thereal "grown-ups." As I stare down 40 and gear up for another phase of life, I find myself going back to the things that comforted me when I really was a teenager, and TV and movies were both very big parts of growing up for me in the '80s and early '90s. I cut my teeth on old school Sesame Street and The Electric Company, I grew up with the Cosby Show and Family Ties and later 90210, and the movies I watched over and over starred people like Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, Ethan Hawke and a whole lot of hairspray. Recently, I realized -- with some amusement -- that a few of the lessons I am trying to teach my kids didn't come from my parents or from school. Instead, they came from scenes in those movies that I can still recite in my mind:
鸦雀无声我已三十九岁了,我三十九了,尽管有工夫我认为我方一经十七岁,致使还把年长的东说念主看作念“大东说念主”。我恭候着四十岁的降临,准备好插足东说念主生另一个阶段,这时我却运行哀吊起少年时的事物来了,它们曾给我以慰藉。上世纪八九十年代,我尚年幼,芳华岁月齐由电视和电影伴我度过。孩提时间,我爱看《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)和《电力公司》(The Electric Company),然后是《考斯比一家》(Cosby Show),《眷属的出身》(Family Ties)以及自后的《比佛利山庄90210号》(90210),这三部电视剧则全部伴我成长。这些经典的影片也捧红了不少明星,举例莫利·林沃德(Molly Ringwald),安德鲁·麦卡锡(Andrew McCarthy),伊桑·霍克( Ethan Hawke )等等。年齿渐长,我才惊叹地发现学校的安分和家长并莫得造就我若干训导,反倒是那些从小看到大的影片使我获益匪浅,各种东说念主生兴味我齐从中学得,于今仍莫得健忘,我致使还思要告诉我的孩子。
1. Each of us is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. (The Breakfast Club)
1.咱们每个东说念主齐是书呆子、剖析员、精神病、公主和造孽的集合体。电影:《早餐俱乐部(The Breakfast Club)
Even in sixth grade, my oldest is starting to classify himself and his friends. I did the same thing at his age; I know how it goes in middle and high school. But I try to remind him that everyone he meets has so much going on behind the façade he sees in the hallways at school -- that everyone is fighting a hard battle of some sort, and that no person fits neatly inside a simple label. It's a lesson I learn over and over again, even as an adult. In the end, as Patrick Dempsey's "geek turned chic" says in another favorite, Can't Buy Me Love: "Nerds, jocks. My side, your side... It's hard enough just trying to be yourself."
我的大男儿在六年级的工夫就运行给同学分类。过去我也这样干过;中学时间,青少大哥是渴慕标新改进,脱颖而出。关联词我一经试图告诉他,学校里的每个东说念主齐有不为东说念主知的另一面——每个东说念主齐有难处,不可平时为他东说念主贴上标签。在今后的生存中,我反复印证了这少量。此外,在电影《爱情交易》(Can't Buy Me Love)中 ,帕特里克·德姆西(Patrick Dempsey)饰演的脚色履历各种,临了由“怪胎”酿成了“帅哥”,坦言说念“剖析健将,蠢货。你来我往……作念我方太难了。”这部电影我也很可爱。